Launch Your 6 Figure Tech Sales Career In 12 Weeks
Open Doors At The Best Tech Companies In The World
What is Tech Sales Accelerator?
Tech Sales Accelerator’s collection of courses helps motivated career changers land sales roles at top tech companies in 12 weeks & get their first promotion within 1 year to join the 6 figure earners club.
What B2B Sales Thought Leaders Say About Tech Sales Accelerator
“I used tech sales to retire a month before turning 43. The financial upside of tech sales is massive, and if you approach your career with intentionality, you can earn life-changing income...something I was fortunate to do myself.
If you're looking to get started down this path and tap into its upside, you'll be in good hands with Chris.
He has real world industry experience at large enterprise companies and can teach you the fundamentals you need to thrive in your career and life."
What TSA Students are saying

Why Tech Sales Accelerator?
Land A Career, Not A Job.
This program isn’t about finding the first job you can get your hands on to check a box and say you broke into tech sales. It’s about helping you create a vision for your life, finding the right company for you, and equipping you with the mindset and skillset to create long term career success.
Become A Networking Ninja
Tech Sales Accelerator will teach you how to fish when it comes to networking so you master the ability to open doors for yourself in your career and turn your network into your most strategic asset.

An Industry Leading Tech Sales Education.
The Tech Sales Accelerator curriculum is backed by 10 years of real world experience both selling and teaching business development at top enterprise companies like Oracle, Google, Dell and a range of early to late stage startups. It’s also backed by in depth interviews with the top B2B sales thought leaders who have shaped modern B2B selling for the entire industry. After completing the self paced curriculum you'll have the opportunity to go through a certification process based on industry best practices that will re-enforce your interview & role readiness & prepare you to launch your career with confidence.
Mindset & Habits Coaching That’ll Transform Your Life
The mind is a flexible mirror and when you adjust it the whole world opens up. Tech Sales Accelerator offers an “Operating System For Overachievement” which empowers you to implement mindset and habits that can be used to succeed in any aspect of your life and career (not just in tech sales). It’s backed by neuroscience and draws from the top leadership development programs in the world like Landmark and PSI Seminars.

Customize To Your Needs. Complement Other Programs.
If you’re looking to tackle specific sticking points on your tech sales journey and feel like you have the rest covered feel welcome to choose the a la carte course options that meet your specific needs. And regardless of the programs you’ve invested in previously, we’re confident you can leverage Tech Sales Accelerator’s collection of courses to complement & build on past training to get you to the next level in your tech sales career development.
The Complete Collection Process
The Tech Sales Accelerator (TSA) process begins with eight self-paced courses, adding up to nearly 12 hours of content, designed to provide foundational knowledge that will empower you to not only land your first offer but quickly succeed on the job. You'll join the TSA Tribe for accountability and networking opportunities.
Finally, after becoming TSA Certified and receiving a certificate, members access the TSA Network to open doors at top tech companies.

Step 1: 8 Self Paced Courses (~12 HRS Of Content)
Finish all of the self paced Tech Sales Accelerator Courses.
Operating System For Overachievement
Rockstar Resume
Linkedin Legend
Find The Right Companies For You
Networking Ninja
The SDR Success Blueprint
Incredible Interviewer
Negotiate Your Best Offer
Step 2: Join The TSA Tribe & Access Direct Mentorship With Chris
Find weekly accountability to achieve your goals
Crowdsource common challenges to find solutions
Role play with others to improve your skills
Celebrate wins (big and small) together
Leverage each other's networks to open doors

Step 3: Get Tech Sales Accelerator Certified
Re-Enforce Your Knowledge & Skills To Launch Your Career With Confidence
Role Ready
Written evaluation of SDR role purpose, KPIs, responsibilities & tools
Prospect Ready
Verbal evaluation of a hypothetical prospect's pain, goals, and value statement
Message Ready
Do pre-call planning and write custom emails and leave custom voicemail for hypothetical leads.
Phone Ready
A phone based roleplay simulating a live connect
Discovery Ready
Run a mock discovery call & set the next steps
Interview Ready
Complete a mock behavioral interview & close the deal on your dream job
Step 4: Access The TSA Network & Open Doors At The Best Tech Companies In The World
Launch Your Tech Sales Career

Get Certified with Tech Sales Accelerator

Our 100% Money-Back Guarantee
We offer a 14-day 100% money-back guarantee. If you complete the training, put in the necessary work, and see no results, we will return your money within 14 days of your purchase.Read the complete terms and conditions here.
Get Quick Wins
Hear From Our Students


Meet Your Mentor Chris Bussing
Once Upon A Time, You Were Stuck In A Job.
Way too many 20-30 somethings are stuck in jobs that make them miserable & limit their lifestyle.
Countless teachers, bankers, food & beverage workers, healthcare workers, personal trainers, car & insurance sellers, mortgage loan officers, have settled for inflexible, unfulfilling, paycheck to paycheck lifestyles when they know they could be making more for their skillset.
These sleeping giants know the solution to their problems isn’t another dead end job.
What they’re really seeking is a career with the financial upside that can finally afford them the travels and experiences, passion projects, and lifestyle they’ve always dreamed about but always felt out of reach.
They’re looking for a career that provides a path to progress, where they’ll be challenged by their toil and teammates, & enjoy each day along the way.
Most people mistakenly think that in order to unlock the kind of career path that allows them to generate the financial freedom needed to create a life they love they need to be blessed with a high IQ, connections, or have to spend tons of money on a specialized degree.
Fortunately, that couldn't be further from the truth.
The Career Path To Set You Free.
Tech sales is a career path that’s accessible to anyone who is driven & willing to work hard & unlocks the earning potential needed to become a millionaire.
The entry-level Sales Development Representative (SDR) role lowers the barrier of entry into the top tech enterprises and startups in the world. In year 1, you’ll start getting paid $80-100k+ On Target Earnings (OTE) to develop the transferable sales skills, strategic network, and self-development that’ll help you design a life you love and go further in anything you choose to do tomorrow.
And, although attending a top University might help you get your foot in the door for interviews, a college degree isn’t a prerequisite for breaking in and succeeding on this path.
What are the true prerequisites for tech sales success?
Having a vision & being driven to put in the work to achieve it.
Being coachable & willing to embrace feedback to improve.
Being highly curious & seeking to understand others.
Being gritty & willing to run through walls to get things done.
Being gutsy & willing to pick up a phone to call strangers.
These qualities are not God-given gifts bestowed upon a select few.
They live within all of us & are waiting to be unleashed.
Ask yourself, do these qualities describe you?
If you answered a resounding YES you’ve got what it takes to succeed.
And if you decide to take action on this opportunity you could end up like Alex...
Alex Lee,
Senior SDR at Snowflake
“I had just a couple of years of B2C sales experience and wanted to break into the tech sales industry. I watched a couple of YouTube videos Chris posted and knew he would be a great help to me. After reaching out, he helped me prep for my interviews and how to be successful in the industry. Not only did I get my first job, but I’m now at the top of my new hire group and looking to make strides to become an Account Executive. Remarkably, I ranked #6/130 SDRs last quarter and was promoted to Sr. SDR within just two quarters. Chris’s mentorship has been pivotal for anyone seeking genuine guidance and aiming to foster true friendships along the journey. His support is instrumental for those aspiring to excel and navigate through challenges with confidence.”
In 10 years you might become a tech sales millionaire like Brandon…
Brandon Fluharty,
7 Figures SaaS Earner & Creator of 7 Steps To 7 Figures
“I used tech sales to retire a month before turning 43. The financial upside of tech sales is massive, and if you approach your career with intentionality, you can earn life-changing income...something I was fortunate to do myself. If you're looking to get started down this path and tap into its upside, you'll be in good hands with Chris. He has real-world industry experience at large enterprise companies and can teach you the fundamentals you need to thrive in your career and life."
But you don’t have to stay in tech sales forever.
Maybe you end up like Anthony who saw tech sales as a foot in the door at a top company that positioned him to pivot into his true passion.
Anthony Benedettini,
BDR turned Revenue Enablement Manager
“Getting into tech sales was the best decision I've made in my career. Period. I doubled my income and received 2 promotions in just one year as an SDR. The funny thing is, I knew I didn't want to have a long-term career in sales when I started. Moving laterally to an enablement or product role was the primary goal. Within a year, I landed my dream role of Revenue Enablement Manager for our 400+ person SDR org. This is by far the most career growth I have experienced in my life and it wouldn't have happened without Chris. When I was between jobs, he recommended I crack into the industry at the sales level even though my experience was elsewhere. He guided me through the opportunity to make a better living and through his story showed the journey of personal development that happens along the way. As someone focused on growth, this resonated with me so I went all in. I'm glad I did because I ended up developing the routines, communication skills, business acumen, and the grit it takes to succeed. These skills carry over to many areas of my life, giving me a higher sense of fulfillment and accomplishment even when the grind gets tough.Hats off to Chris for being a guiding light into the industry and changing people's lives for the better. My only regret is that I didn't listen to him sooner!”
Get Your PHD In Tech Sales. Avoid Pitfalls. Accelerate Success.
After 9 years in the tech sales arena myself, my lifelong vision is to help 100,000 people transform their lives through a career in tech sales.
The project that will serve as the vehicle to realizing that vision is called Tech Sales Accelerator and it includes all the training and resources needed to successfully launch your tech sales career without having to suffer through the unnecessary hurdles and headaches that sabotage most people’s success.
Tech Sales Accelerator is a collection of courses that compresses 9 years of expertise, proven methods, and actionable strategies from my time at Oracle, Google Cloud, a late stage startup, coaching students to get jobs at top companies like Hubspot, Oracle, Zoominfo, Snowflake, and interviewing the top names in B2B tech sales who have shaped the tech sales industry itself on my YouTube channel.
Whether you’re a college senior looking to start your career on the right foot, a young professional fed up with where you’re at today and looking for a change, or a current SDR looking crack the code to sales development success and become a consistent 6 figure earner as an AE you’ll find what you need to get unstuck and accelerate success.
Just imagine…
- Not wasting any more time in your job hunt & knowing with confidence that you’ve picked the right companies FOR YOU to apply to.
- Having a resume and linkedin tailored to a T for tech sales (pun intended) that you can be proud of and that gets you noticed now matter how big the sea of applicants might be.
- Being able to nimbly network with people at your dream companies to earn a seat at the interview table (regardless of your experience).
- Entering your interviews with confidence & clarity because you know EXACTLY what it takes to succeed in the role, have developed a strong personal sales approach, & already know the answers to tech sales the interview test. And most of all, picture accepting that job offer docusign with a huge smile on your face.
Picture day one on the job, feeling the excitement of beginning a bright new life chapter with unpredictable opportunities on the horizon.
Feel the elation of setting that first meeting. Experience the euphoria of your first 6 figure W-2 in hand.
I’ll leave imagining the rest up to you…..
Now I’m not saying it will be easy.
You’ll be responsible for your outcomes and you have to put in the work yourself.
But Tech Sales Accelerator will equip you with everything you need on your tech sales journey and, if you run with our blueprint, apply it all, and make it your own your success will be GUARANTEED.
I truly believe that a life of freedom and impact is available to you & tech sales is a path to get you there.
If you’re ready to elevate your mindset, open doors, and increase your impact (in tech sales and beyond) then you’ve come to the right place.
Please feel welcome to dig into the Tech Sales Accelerator curriculum to achieve your tech sales goals faster.
And lean on this community for consistent encouragement to always aim upward in your life!
Happy selling & happy living,
My SDR Success Story

In college I struggled with confidence & I lacked a true sense of direction.
But what I lacked in confidence and clarity I made up for with a burning desire to do whatever it took to break through my glass ceilings of self doubt and realize my potential.
Deep down I knew I could become “great” and I knew I just needed a path to get there.
One fateful Saturday during my senior year I attended a career fair and shook hands with a recruiter at Oracle.
Although I didn't know it at the time, that handshake would shake up my future.
In my final interview with the Hiring Manager Rashanda I told her that I wanted to be great.
She responded by saying “I tell my daughter that every day” and, in that moment, I knew I had found the path I had been looking for.
Within a month of starting as an SDR at Oracle I found that my journey into sales development was suddenly launching me deeper into the world of self development.
Anyone can read a bunch of self help books, and I did plenty of that, but without action there’s no opportunity for breakthroughs.
I quickly discovered that the tech sales arena was the perfect place to get in action to create those breakthroughs.
Having to pick up the phone to cold call strangers and risk rejection and failure on a daily basis forged the thick skin, courage, and confidence I needed to start stepping into the strongest and most impactful version of myself.
Having to carry a quota demanded I stop making excuses and start taking ownership for my results. Working with people 24/7 and consistently receiving constructive feedback exposed my gaps in self awareness and social awareness and demanded I fill them in order to become a more conscious, empathetic, and influential person.
In my case, I got into tech sales for the self development upside and I wasn’t disappointed.
But just 1 year into my tech sales journey, after getting promoted to AE, I got my first taste of the financial upside when I joined the 6 figure earners club at 23 years old.
I was hooked.
9 years later after jumping from Oracle to Google and most recently a late stage startup I’ve tripled my base salary, maxed out my 401k every year, dramatically increased my on target earnings, and amassed substantial equity both with Google and my current startup.
Not long after experiencing the thrill of tech sales financial upside I started to experience the career path’s friendship upside and, to this day, the relationships I’ve built throughout the course of my career are what I cherish most.
My time at Oracle, Google, and a startup has given me access to a rich network of ambitious like minded people that continues to generate meaningful personal and professional opportunities and, practically speaking, has become my career insurance policy in tough times.
In other words, I’m confident that if I lost my job today I could quickly get referred to another top tech company where I would likely make more than my current role.
And only recently have I started to truly experience the exponential ROI of the real world sales & entrepreneurship education that this career path has gifted me.
The sales skills I’ve developed on this path have not only put more money in my pocket as a seller closing larger & larger enterprise deals but has opened up new income streams as a content creator, career coach, and b2b advisor.
On this path I’ve discovered that sales skills are a super power that will always be in high demand and can be used to amplify the impact of anything you set out to achieve as a corporate employee, entrepreneur, or creative.
It’s really reassuring to know that the work I do today will empower me in anything I choose to do tomorrow.
This has been my tech sales story and it’s just getting started.
If you’ve read this far perhaps you see something for yourself in my story.
The question is, what will YOUR tech sales story look like?
How will YOU use it to generate opportunities for self expansion, financial freedom, connection, and impact?
I created my program tech sales accelerator to empower you as you write that story.
Just like a startup accelerator compresses years of entrepreneurial wisdom to help founders launch their companies tech sales accelerator is a collection of courses that compress years of experience at Oracle, Google Cloud, a global startup, and interviewing the top minds in b2b tech sales to help you tackle challenges at every stage of your journey into tech sales from landing your first SDR role to getting promoted to AE so that you accelerate your path to the 6 figure earners club.
This is my life’s work and through it I’m committed to helping 100,000 people lower the barrier to entry into the best companies in the world and get paid $80-100k+ OTE to build the entrepreneurial skills, strategic network, and confidence that empowers them to create a life of freedom, impact, and joy.
Whether you’re a college graduate who isn’t sure what you want to do with your life but you know you’re called to big things or a working professional who feels stuck in your current role and you’re desperately seeking the opportunity to make more for your skill set tech sales is a path that you can walk down today that will accelerate your success on any other path you choose to go down tomorrow.
Frequently asked questions
How does the money back guarantee work?
We offer a 14-day 100% money-back guarantee. If you complete the training, put in the necessary work, and see no results, we will return your money within 14 days of your purchase.Read the complete terms and conditions here.
Who should invest in Tech Sales Accelertor?
Anybody who is clear that a career in tech sales will empower their personal vision and is accountable to take ownership for their results & committed to showing up for themselves & doing whatever it takes to succeed. This holistic curriculum provides the mindset, skillset, & structure to land an SDR role, getting promoted, and joining the 6 figure earnings club as an AE regardless of your prior experience.
How long does it typically take to get a job?
There is no guaranteed timeframe in which you’ll get a job in tech sales (especially one at a company you love that sets you up for long term success). There are many factors outside of our control related to the economy, the backend operations & current state of the companies you are applying to, among other things.
For some it takes 3 weeks, others 3 months, and some 3 years to break in. All that said, 3 months is a realistic timeframe to complete this program and get an offer at a strong company (or even multiple offers). We can assure you with confidence that if you soak up the content, take advantage of the community, get certified, and take massive action your eventual success will be guaranteed.
Self paced content isn’t enough…do I get coaching?
Interviewing and selling is a performance art and coaching and re-enforcement is critical to success. As a part of the “Complete Collection” you get access to a weekly office hours with Chris to talk through real world scenarios and get tailored advice in a group setting. As a part of the certification process you will also go through multiple exercises and receive feedback to ensure you are ready to rock the SDR role & interview like a champ. You will also get a final 1 on 1 complimentary coaching session with Chris that is tailored to your own tech sales goals and challenges.
Who should not invest in Tech Sales Accelerator?
Anyone who isn’t truly committed to tech sales as their career path, expects success to come easy without putting in the work, and isn’t willing to take ownership for their results. Through your participation in and completion of the Tech Sales Accelerator curriculum we can guarantee that you will obtain the knowledge, skills, and network needed to land a great SDR role at a company you love & get promoted to AE. However, if you’re expecting to land a job in 2 weeks & become the top performing SDR in your org overnight then Tech Sales Accelerator might not be for you. Tech Sales Accelerator will deliver quick wins for you like improving your mindset & sense of clarity, optimizing your Resume & Linkedin profile, immediately improving your networking outreach & outbound, and empowering you with interviewing & negotiation tactics that you can start using today. Although we won’t guarantee a job or specific sales results in a specific timeframe what we will guarantee is that if you apply our proven methods you will find the success you are looking for significantly faster than you would otherwise.
Do I Need A College Degree Or Previous Experience?
No. We know people at the best companies in the world like Google who don’t have college degrees and are making deep 6 figures either as individual contributors or sales leaders.
Having relevant sales or tech experience may help you expedite your success but it is not a requirement to be successful. If you're willing to put in the work, you can break in & succeed regardless of your past experience
What are the true prerequisites for tech sales success?
-Having a vision & being driven to put in the work to achieve it.
-Being coachable & willing to embrace feedback to improve.
-Being highly curious & seeking to understand others.
-Being gritty & willing to run through walls to get things done.
-Being gutsy & willing to pick up a phone to call strangers.
These qualities are not God given gifts bestowed upon a select few.
They live within all of us & are waiting to be unleashed.
Sound like you? Then you’ve got what it takes.
Why Tech Sales Accelerator vs other bootcamps?
With many other options in the market there are 6 core reasons that our students turn to Tech Sales Accelerator to help them successfully launch & grow their tech sales careers.
#1 Land A Career, Not A Job.
This program isn’t about finding the first job you can get your hands on to check a box and say you broke in. It’s about helping you create a vision for your life, finding the right company for you, and equipping you with the mindset and skillset to create long term success in your career and all aspects of life.
#2 An Industry Leading Tech Sales Education.
The Tech Sales Accelerator curriculum is backed by 9 years of real world experience both selling and teaching business development at top enterprise companies like Oracle, Google, Dell and a range of early to late stage startups. It’s also backed by in depth interviews with the top B2B sales thought leaders who have shaped modern B2B selling for the entire industry.
#3 Become A Networking Ninja
Tech Sales Accelerator will teach you how to fish when it comes to networking so you master the ability to open doors for yourself in your career and in your broader life and turn your network into your most strategic asset. You won’t be limited to companies in our network. You’ll be empowered to earn a seat at the interview table at any top company that you feel drawn to.
#4 Mindset & Habits Coaching That’ll Transform Your Life
Tech Sales Accelerator offers an “Operating System For Overachievement” which empowers you to implement mindset and habits that can be used to succeed in any aspect of your life and career (not just in tech sales) & generate more clarity, confidence, & joy along your tech sales journey. It’s backed by neuroscience and draws from the top leadership development programs in the world like Landmark and PSI Seminars.
#5 Customize To Your Needs. Complement Other Programs.
If you’re looking to tackle specific sticking points on your tech sales journey (and feel like you have other aspects handled) you can choose a la carte course options that meet your specific needs (no more, no less). Regardless of the programs you’ve invested in previously, we’re confident that you can leverage Tech Sales Accelerator’s collection of courses to complement & build on past training to get you to the next level in your tech sales career development.
#6 Packed With Value While Remaining Cost Effective Let’s be real, although landing a job in tech sales is a life changing opportunity that opens up a career path that can make a millionaire faster than others, when you’re just starting out you don’t have thousands of dollars to throw around.
Although we aren’t the cheapest options in the market our a la carte course options allow you to start small & get quick wins & expand from there. We also offer multiple cost effective bundled options that are packed with value & whose return on investment are many multiples more than the price point.
Will I receive access to updated course content?
Yes. All future updates to the course are included in the price of what you pay today.
Our content is reviewed quarter-over-quarter to ensure it's always relevant in today's job market & we're always taking in feedback to adapt to our communities needs to provide the best customer experience.